From this page users can download all the texts in the Biblia Medieval corpus. The versions downloaded through these links are by default the most current available, i.e., they include the latest corrections introduced in the corpus. In the following links users can consult the terms of use of the texts and the criteria used in transcribing them. For a detailed description of the content of each manuscript refer to the Index of manuscripts.


1. Fazienda de ultramar.


2. Escorial I.i.6 / Escorial I.i.8.


3. General Estoria (partes bíblicas).


4. Escorial I.i.3.


5. Biblia de Ajuda.


6. Escorial I.ii.19.


7. Escorial I.i.7 / Escorial I.i.5.


8. Biblia de Évora.


9. Escorial I.i.4.

10. Biblia de la Biblioteca Nacional 10288.


11. Biblia de la Real Academia de la Historia 87.


12. Biblia de Arragel.


13. Fragmentos bíblicos sueltos del S. XV.