F. Javier PueyoHe officially joined the Biblia Medieval Project in 2009. Previously, he had been fully engaged in the project, by providing numerous texts, corrections and also by helping with some of its computational aspects. Since 2011, he took responsibility for the design and implementation of the Corpus Biblia Medieval. He is currently working on the standardization, lemmatization, tagging and word-level alignment (with the original Hebrew Bible) of the entire corpus.

Besides working on the study of the medieval Biblias romanceadas —he participated in the edition of two of the manuscripts, as well as in the forthcoming critical edition of the Arragel Bible—, his research focuses on the Sephardic biblical texts (both in Hebrew and Roman script) and other Judeo-Spanish religious texts produced outside of Spain after the Expulsion in 1492.

Since 1999, he holds a tenured position at the CSIC, within the Sephardic Studies Research Group. For personal reasons he moved to the USA in 2009, and he is currently on a temporary Leave of Absence granted by his institution.

Most representative publications

PUEYO MENA, F. Javier (2012): «Le corpus biblique judéo-espagnol: la méthode traditionnelle de la traduction et l’alignement automatique des sources» in Ana STULIC-ETCHEVERS & Soufiane ROUISSI (eds.) Corpus numérique judéo-espagnol: l’étude et l’analyse des sources judéo-espagnoles. Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires Bordeaux.

PUEYO MENA, F. Javier (2012): «“Tu pueblo mi pueblo y tu Dio mi Dio”: el libro de Rut en la Biblia de Abraham Asá», eHumanista, Spring 2012. <http://www.ehumanista.ucsb.edu>

PUEYO MENA, F. Javier (2011): «Séfer Hésec Šelomó: edición de Génesis / Berešit (cps. 1-10)» in Elena ROMERO CASTELLÓ (ed.) Estudios sefardíes dedicados a la memoria de Iacob M. Hassán (ź"l). Publicaciones de Estudios Sefardíes, núm. 13. Madrid: CSIC. pp. 433-478.

PUEYO MENA, F. Javier (2008) «Biblias romanceadas y en ladino» in Elena ROMERO-CASTELLÓ (ed.), Sefardíes: Literatura y Lengua de una Nación Dispersa. Actas del XV Curso de Verano «Cultura hispano-judía y sefardí», organizado por la Univ. de Castilla-La Mancha y la Asociación de Amigos del Museo Sefardí (Toledo, 5-8 sep. 2005), Univ. de Castilla-La Mancha. pp. 193–263.

PUEYO MENA, F. Javier (1996) Biblia Romanceada. Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. Ms. 10288. Estudio, Edición y Notas. Spanish-Jewish Series 8. Madison-Winconsin: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.

LAZAR, Moshe, F. Javier PUEYO MENA & Andrés ENRIQUE-ARIAS (1994) Biblia Romanceada. Real Academia de la Historia, ms. 87, 15th century. Edition, Introduction and Notes. Spanish-Jewish Series 5. Madison-Wisconsin: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.

You can download a more complete Curriculum Vitae in English or Spanish.

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